For the most part, this past week has been spent on script work again. As I mentioned in last week’s blog post, the main goal this month is to finally get the first chapter fully done. Part of that involves going through what we have already released in the shape of the extended demo and …
Category Archive: Dev Blog
May 01
Weekly Update #350: Quick Progress Update & Plans For May
Today, we’re just going to have a very quick progress update again, so let’s start with the best news first: I can finally do art again! After having some monitor issues over the past two weeks, that prevented me from working on the assets, I’m back to precisely that and even managed to get a …
Apr 24
Weekly Update #349: The Writing Continues
As mentioned in last week’s blog post, the monitor of my desktop pc recently died, which is quite essential for me to do anything art-related. As such, I’ve been focusing on the writing again, while waiting for my new monitor to arrive. And although it did a couple of days ago… it unfortunately has a …
Apr 17
Weekly Update #348: Back To The Script
Yep, that’s right, this week has been fully dedicated to script work again! I didn’t even have much of a choice, since last Saturday, just a couple hours after posting the update, my pc monitor actually died on me, so… until I have a new one (which should be on its way), I can’t really …
Apr 10
Weekly Update #347: Evidence Art
So, this week, I’ve mostly dedicated to art again, specifically evidence-related artwork that will be featured in DPA entries. I actually have a little WIP-preview to share, so you can get a better idea of what I’m talking about:
Apr 03
Weekly Update #346: Quick Progress Update
After my little writing break, I’ve returned to the script this week and thankfully had a much better time working on it. Progress is still slow, but it’s steady and I’m feeling much better about the script now, thanks to some of the recent stylistic changes I’ve made. I don’t want to go into detail …
Mar 27
Weekly Update #345: Art Asset Progress
So, this week, I’ve decided to take a little break from writing and instead focused purely on asset work, mostly taking care of a few easier tasks. Among those was, for instance, the creation of some new, relatively simplistic backgrounds, in order to offer a little more visual variety. You know, just so you won’t …
Mar 20
Weekly Update #344: Sprite & CG Progress
As you can see, Natsu has finished coloring some more new sprite variations! Among those are also the base sprites for our two mystery witness characters! That now only leaves our victim who I have continued working on during the last few days. Outside of a few details (he’s still missing his wristwatch and some …
Mar 13
Weekly Update #343: Sprites, Script & Music
So, at long last, I finally have some visual progress to share again! As you can see above, Natsu has been very busy coloring the new sprite variations for Amber. There are actually a couple more ready, which I will be sharing on Patreon, so if you support us there, be sure to keep your …
Mar 06
Weekly Update #342: Quick Progress Update
Alright, today, we’re just going to do a shorter progress update again. I’m still spending most of my time writing the actual script, which won’t really change for at least the next two months, so there sadly isn’t much I can share with you at the moment. I will hopefully have the sprite for our …