Alright, unlike last week, this time, I have some exciting things to share again! You may have already seen it on Twitter or our Discord, but Natsu finished coding the investigation of Ryuunosuke‘s room, meaning that I got a chance to play through the whole thing and boy was it fun! Seeing everything in actual …
Category Archive: Dev Blog
Jul 10
Weekly Update #360: CG Progress
Today, we’re just going to have a very quick progress update! While Natsu is busy coding the rest of the investigation, I’ve continued working on the subsequent scenes, mainly focusing on assets this week. The plan is for me to prepare all the assets that Natsu will have to color/shade, such as the “dead body …
Jul 03
Weekly Update #359: Plans For July
New month, new plans and new goals! I’m currently still in the process of getting things back in order, so everything is progressing slowly, but it’s progressing nonetheless and, day by day, I’m picking up the pace a little. As a matter o fact, I haven’t felt this much determination to get things done in …
Jun 26
Weekly Update #358: Ryuu’s Room Investigation Progress
Things are still rather… turbulent in my private life, so I haven’t been able to make as much progress again as I would have liked to. Only during the last couple of days, I was finally able to get back on track and seeing how much progress I’ve made in this short time span alone …
Jun 19
Weekly Update #357: Quick Progress Update
Well, as the title suggests, this is gonna be a really quick one. I’ve been rather preoccupied with something popping up in my private life, so there isn’t much to report, anyway. Natsu has been very diligent, however, and took care of implementing all the stuff I’ve sent her recently into the game, so at …
Jun 12
Weekly Update #356: GENBA Chapter I Continuation
Aside from the fact that Natsu still has to implement the changes for our extended GENBA demo (which you can read in detail about here and here), the update marathon is finally over. At the very least, my part in it is, meaning that I can finally get back to actually continuing the events of …
Jun 05
Weekly Update #355: GENBA Chapter I Update
In last week’s blog post, I presented to you the changes we’ve recently made to the prologue of GENBA no Kizuna. Today, we’re going to do the same thing again, but this time in regards to the actual first chapter! With the prologue, I guess you can say that the changes made are overall very …
May 29
Weekly Update #354: GENBA Prologue Update
Alright, if you’ve been closely following our recent updates, you probably know that our main goal right now is to finally get the entire first chapter of GENBA no Kizuna fully playable. In order to do so, we need to add 4 additional scenes to the content of the extended demo, and although that might …
May 22
Weekly Update #353: Ryuu’s Room Investigation Progress
This past week, I’ve continued working on the investigation of Ryuunosuke‘s room, slowly shaping things up into what I want them to be like in the final game. For the most part, that means ironing out the dialogues and investigation comments, as well as deciding what kind of stuff to keep, what to kick out …
May 15
Weekly Update #352: Amber & Keiichi
Currently, I’m working on the first real investigation segment at the end of the first chapter, in which Keiichi and Amber are inside of Ryuunosuke‘s room. Although most of my time has been spent on the script again, writing the various dialogue scenarios between the two of them, I’m also taking care of the remaining …