As you may have already seen over on Twitter, our composer Solo Acapello was quite a bit faster than I anticipated, so the new tracks I’ve talked about in last week’s blog post have been finished now! If you’re a patron, you can check out both pieces in full length here: Triassic Trial Grounds, Cornered …
Category Archive: Dev Blog
Apr 16
Weekly Update #400: Sprite, Music & Writing Progress
Dang, we’ve hit another milestone there, eh? 400 consecutive weekly updates… I wish I could say I had something special prepared in celebration of it, but unfortunately, no grand announcements just yet! That will take a little more time, I’m afraid. We do have made quite a bit of progress again, however, so let’s get …
Apr 09
Weekly Update #399: Confrontation Phase
As mentioned in last week’s blog post, I’m currently working on the script for the first “Confrontation Phase” in GENBA no Kizuna. Here, our investigators face our suspects and confront them with the clues and evidence they have uncovered thus far. As such, the entire chapter is basically one long discussion that addresses some of …
Apr 02
Weekly Update #398: On To Chapter 3!
With GENBA no Kizuna‘s second chapter now completed (which patrons can actually check out themselves right here, in case you’ve missed it), it’s time to finally move on to the next part of the game! As mentioned in last week’s blog post, I’ve already been working on the first “Social Phase” which can be seen …
Mar 26
Weekly Update #397: Chapter 2 Feedback & Social Phases
Welp, this past week went a little differently than I initially expected. If you’re following my private Twitter account, you might already know, but last Sunday, I had to take a sudden trip to the hospital and undergo surgery one day later. I’m back home now and on my way to recovery, but needless to …
Mar 19
Weekly Update #396: Chapter 2 Complete
Yup, we finally did it! Not only is GENBA no Kizuna‘s second chapter fully playable now, as of today, patrons can even try it out themselves and once again help us with testing and further improving the experience!
Mar 12
Weekly Update #395: Super Quick Progress Update
Alrighty, today we’re once again only going to have a really quick update. I have fallen ill and am still in the process of recovering, so this past week has been a little bit sluggish, unfortunately. Progress was still made, however, and part of Himatsu‘s investigation route is now playable, while the rest will follow …
Mar 05
Weekly Update #394: Plans For March
We’re one week into March, so today, I’m going to lay out our plans for the rest of the month! The main goal is going to be to finish the second chapter of GENBA no Kizuna and to provide patrons with a demo, so that they can once again help us with beta-testing. There isn’t …
Feb 26
Weekly Update #393: Quick Progress Update
With Keiichi‘s and Shinketsu‘s routes fully coded and Rei‘s currently being made playable by Natsu as well, there is only Himatsu‘s left now before we can finally finish up the second chapter! To give you an idea as to the length of it: excluding Himatsu‘s route, chapter 2 currently sits at around 35,000 words. Adding …
Feb 19
Weekly Update #392: Rei’s Route Nearing Completion
Once again, we’re going to have a rather quick update, but despite its shortness, we have actually accomplished quite a lot again this week! Not only has Natsu finished coding the entirety of Shinketsu‘s route, the first third of Rei‘s is now playable as well! The remaining two thirds will follow shortly, as I am …