With SHINRAI’s anniversary and GENBA’s chapter III demo release lying behind us, it’s time to fully dedicate ourselves to chapter IV! As such, I’ve been getting back into writing and have spent most of my time working on the script over the course of this past week. Right now, I’m simultaneously working on the third …
Category Archive: Dev Blog
Sep 03
Weekly Update #420: Quick Progress Update & New Artwork
Alrighty, I’ve literally just come back from a three day trip to London (to meet some dinosaurs) and I’m feeling pretty tired, so we’re gonna keep today’s blog post on the short side. Last week’s anniversary post was a pretty lengthy one, though, so I’d definitely suggest checking that one out if you haven’t yet …
Aug 27
Weekly Update #419: 6th Anniversary Update
To think it’s been six long years already since our little murder mystery SHINRAI – Broken Beyond Despair was first released on PC and that we’re also getting closer to the one year anniversary of its console port… time really proceeds at an unrelenting pace! By now, our second project, GENBA no Kizuna, was long …
Aug 20
Weekly Update #418: Chapter 3 Beta-Testing
At long last, I’m finally able to go through the third chapter myself in its fully playable state! I’ll need at least one more day to finish my beta-test run, but the most complex and worrying part is already taken care of. There definitely are a couple of bugs left, mostly of the presentation kind, …
Aug 13
Weekly Update #417: Anniversary Preparations
It’s a pretty busy time. Tomorrow is going to be none other than Raiko‘s birthday and, in just two more weeks, we are going to celebrate the sixth anniversary of SHINRAI‘s release! I’ve mentioned it so many times already, but time really does fly by so fast…
Aug 06
Weekly Update #416: Chapter III Demo Progress & Stats
So, this past week, Natsu has finished coding the rest of the discussion phase, meaning that the third chapter is essentially playable now! Of course, there is still testing left to be done and, for the demo release, we’re going to include the next social phase as well, so let’s take a quick look at …
Jul 30
Weekly Update #415: Plans For August
So, July’s coming to a close and a new month is about to begin. As such, it’s time to think about our plans and goals again, so let’s have a look at what’s gonna happen throughout August! Since it’s the anniversary month of SHINRAI, I’m currently working on a little artwork for the occasion. Although …
Jul 23
Weekly Update #414: Quick Update & SHINRAI Switch Sale
Alrighty, I started out the week by doing quite a lot of script work and I’m beginning to finally feel satisfied with some of the stuff I’ve been working on recently, so by the end of this month, the first set of investigation routes for chapter 4 will hopefully be done! Unfortunately, we’ve had quite …
Jul 16
Weekly Update #413: BG Art Progress
As mentioned in last week’s blog post, I’ve gotten back into background art, as chapter 4 will take us to some new locations within the Kaseki residence, and the first background I’ve decided to tackle is by far the simplest out of all the new ones required. Gotta start out chill and easy to slowly …
Jul 09
Weekly Update #412: Chapter 4 Progress
These last few days, work on the script for GENBA no Kizuna‘s forth chapter has gone rather well. Set aside a couple more revision and proofreading passes in order to be fully satisfied, Rei‘s, Shinketsu‘s and Himatsu‘s first investigation routes are done now, while Keiichi‘s is around the 70% completion mark. Granted, the routes for …