As I’ve mentioned many times before, given how deep we’re into the story of GENBA no Kizuna now, most of what I work on nowadays is too spoilery to share and even in the cases I do have something I can show you, it’s pretty vague as you can see above. You may recognize one …
Category Archive: Dev Blog
Apr 01
Weekly Update #451: Plans For April
A new month has begun and so it’s time to think about what we would like to accomplish by the end of it! Naturally, our primary focus will remain on GENBA no Kizuna‘s penultimate chapter and finishing it as soon as we can. And given that two thirds of it are more or less done …
Mar 25
Weekly Update #450: Chapter IV Progress
Not sure if I ever even properly shared it before, but let’s start off today’s post with the movie poster I whipped up for Warriors Of The Mesozoic, the in-universe movie that Raptor Pack Productions (our group of suspects) is working on in GENBA no Kizuna! I recently noticed that it was still using Terano‘s …
Mar 18
Weekly Update #449: Laundry Room
As mentioned in last week’s blog post, there wasn’t much left to do regarding the laundry room, so I have finally finished it and decided to share a little preview with you! Now, I gotta admit that, technically, it’s not 100% done. As you can see, there is a picture of Amber hanging on the …
Mar 11
Weekly Update #448: Quick Progress Update
Work continues on GENBA no Kizuna‘s penultimate chapter and this past week, Natsu has coded the rest of the third “Social Phase”, with the exception of one more little part that’s still missing now. Once that is taken care of, however, she can finally move on to the chapter’s second set of investigation routes, which …
Mar 04
Weekly Update 447: Asset Progress
As the title suggests, this past week, I’ve been mostly busy with asset work, the latest result of which you can see above: a new expression for the character Tsume. She’s finally going to make a full body appearance in Shinketsu‘s next route. Overall, she will only have very limited screen time, so there won’t …
Feb 25
Weekly Update #446: New Evidence
First of all, in case you haven’t seen it yet, I would like to direct your attention to the Steam Mystery Fest which is currently being held! Both our murder mystery projects SHINRAI – Broken Beyond Despair and GENBA no Kizuna are being featured in it, so it’s a great opportunity to grab SHINRAI and …
Feb 18
Weekly Update #445: BG Art Progress
As you can already tell from the title and the screenshot above, I’ve been working quite a bit on background art lately! In GENBA no Kizuna‘s penultimate chapter (the final investigation phase), you’ll get to explore new parts of the Kaseki Residence, such as the back corridor, the backyard or the laundry room on the …
Feb 11
Weekly Update #444: Chapter IV Progress
Once again, I’d like to start things off with a little reminder that we have recently launched the Steam page for GENBA no Kizuna and uploaded the first proper trailer for it! So if you haven’t seen either of them yet, be sure to check them out and maybe even add this little dino-themed murder …
Feb 04
Weekly Update #443: Plans For February
Now that the Steam page for GENBA no Kizuna is up and we have also finally uploaded a proper trailer, it’s time to get back to the actual development side of things and work on the game itself. Currently, I’m preparing the next set of chapter four routes for Natsu to code and the main …