

Feb 15

Weekly Update #550: Another New Character!

Say hello to Misaki, another new addition to the SHINRAI cast! You may remember hearing her name in Broken Beyond Despair a few times. Originally, she was supposed to make her debut in Withering Without Hope, but you will now get a slightly sooner introduction to her in our little in-between project SHINRAI Saku – Blooming Beyond Despair!

I don’t want to say too much about her yet and instead save all that for when we do the proper character introduction posts, but Misaki is going to be a very important character in WWH and I have to admit that she’s grown to become one of my favorite children! So even though her role in Saku will be relatively minor, I’m extremely excited to already get a chance to properly draw and write for her!

As you can see above, I had already started sketching her many years ago. I’ve decided to soften up her face/expression a little and although there are still some details about the hair I need to adjust, I’m very happy with the way her sprite is turning out!

If you’re a patron, you’ll hopefully get to see a full body preview later this month! I’d really like to get that done. However, given that I’ve lost quite a lot of time due to illness earlier this month, I’m currently trying to focus significantly more on the script again. I’m getting very close to the end now and would really like to wrap things up before March, so yeah…

Anyway, that’s about all I can share at the moment, so while I’m gonna get back to work now, I hope that you’ll be thoroughly enjoying the rest of your weekend! Until next Saturday, take care :3