

Dec 14

Weekly Update #541: Bloom

As mentioned in last week’s post, all major topics I wanted to discuss regarding the GENBA no Kizuna release have finally been covered.
At least for now. There will be more to talk about in the future, but for the time being, I’d like to slowly transition over into what’s next.

If you’ve kept an eye on our social medias recently, you may already be aware that we’ve jump straight into our next project.
In fact, patrons can already check out some character sprite previews, new character designs, and learn some general info about it!

It’s still a little too soon to make an official, public announcement, but that is currently being prepared. I’d really like to get up a teaser page on our website before the end of the year, with some first tidbits. Before that’s really possible, however, the project first needed a proper title. Up until now, I’ve kept referring to it as “Aftermath”, but this working title can finally be ditched!

What is the new and final title, then? Well, I’m afraid that, to learn that, you’ll still have to be a little patient. Though you can already see part of the new logo above: the kanji 咲 which essentially translates to “bloom/blossom”.

(I found it really funny how I was working on this while the Ookami sequel got revealed at The Game Awards, with the very same kanji being prominently displayed in its teaser trailer, haha. I love Ookami!)

Hopefully, I can delve into all of this much deeper in next week’s blog post, but for now, I guess we’ll have to leave things at that.

Now, as always, please enjoy the rest of your weekend, have a chill and wonderful festive season and, until next Saturday, take care :3