

Feb 10

Weekly Update #497: Progress Update & More Fanart

In last week’s blog post, I mentioned that Natsu was going to beta-test the entirety of the final investigation phase (chapter 4) now that she’s made it fully playable. She still hasn’t really done so, but the reason for that is that she instead decided to take care of coding everything I’ve sent her for the final chapter already, meaning that… half of that is now essentially playable, too!

I honestly didn’t expect her to be that quick, so I guess I gotta pick up the pace now in sending her the second half, haha.
And, of course, that’s what I’m currently working on. I ran into a little issue in the last couple of days, where I noticed something that none of the characters really address, but at least one of them definitely should. I don’t know why this never occurred to me before, but thankfully, it did now. Would’ve sucked if some players would’ve gone: “Why does no one bring that up??“, haha…

Anyway, this required a bit of thinking and figuring out how to squeeze the issue into the script without breaking the flow too much and, after talking it over with Natsu, I’ve pretty much figured out how to do it. Not a ginormous hurdle at all, but definitely a little bump in the road that slowed down my progress this week. Gotta work even harder to make up for it in the upcoming one!

In other progress-related news, Kagayaku‘s new GENBA sprite is now fully done too, so I’ve uploaded it to Patreon with another little comparison to his old SHINRAI appearance. So yeah, if you’re a patron, be sure to check out my handsome boy right here!

Now, before we come to a close, I’ve still got something else to share: some more super cute fanart by “Ryuu-chan” who, this time around, blessed us with a Lunar New Year’s Himatsu, a Valentine’s Day Shiku and a Terano!

(Also gotta share Ryuu-chan‘s comment: “Shiku-chan is shocked by the sight of anatomically incorrect lovey-dovey triceratopses…“)

They’ve all been added to our gallery where Ryuu-chan‘s section is quickly growing in size, haha. Be sure to check out the other art pieces as well! They’re all extraordinarily adorable!

Well, I guess with this, I wish you all a Happy Lunar New Year as well! As always, please enjoy the rest of your weekend and, until next Saturday, take care :3