

May 01

Weekly Update #350: Quick Progress Update & Plans For May

Today, we’re just going to have a very quick progress update again, so let’s start with the best news first: I can finally do art again!

After having some monitor issues over the past two weeks, that prevented me from working on the assets, I’m back to precisely that and even managed to get a lot of things done, even though they were all admittedly kinda minor tasks. I am working on a few bigger things, though, such as a new background, which will also be the last one needed to visually cover chapters one to three.

The script has also been worked on again, but as usual, I can’t really get into much detail about that. At least not publicly. I’ve typed up a pretty lengthy Patreon post that will give a more in-depth look at the current state of things, so if you’re a patron, please keep an eye out for that. It will be available to all tiers and most likely be published tomorrow.

Since it’s a new month, I guess I should mention our plans for it as well. Basically, I really want to get the first chapter of GENBA completely done already (meaning fully playable). It’s been long overdue, so that’s what the focus will be on in May.

Almost all the pieces are in place and not much work left to be done. I just gotta suppress that ruthless perfectionist in me to finally move on, rather than stay stuck on details that probably no one besides me is ever going to be bothered by, anyway “orz

So wish me luck (or better yet, kick my ass w)!

Now, as always, please enjoy the rest of your weekend and, until next Saturday, take care :3