

Apr 16

Weekly Update #400: Sprite, Music & Writing Progress

Dang, we’ve hit another milestone there, eh? 400 consecutive weekly updates… I wish I could say I had something special prepared in celebration of it, but unfortunately, no grand announcements just yet! That will take a little more time, I’m afraid. We do have made quite a bit of progress again, however, so let’s get right into this week’s report!

First off, I’ve finished a new sprite variation for Amber, this time depicting her in her “Mayana” costume. This sprite will not be needed for chapter three, but since I’ve been itching to draw something again and the third chapter sadly (or luckily, depending on how you wanna look at it) doesn’t require any new sprites (or any other art assets for that matter), I’ve decided to just jump ahead a little and work on some of the stuff we’ll need for chapters four and five. There, we’ll implement a couple more flashback scenes, some of which take place in the early morning when Raptor Pack Productions had just finished their filming session. So yeah, that’s why Amber will be in costume in those scenes. If you’re a patron, you can check out a preview of her here!

Now, regarding GENBA‘s soundtrack, there’s also some news! Today, Solo has sent me demos for the next two tracks! One of them is just what I wanted, so he’ll focus on finishing that one first, meaning that patrons may look forward to something new to listen to very soon! The other track still needs some more ironing out in terms of its tone, so that one will probably take a little bit longer before I can share it. By then, it might also be time to finally whip up another sample video for our YouTube channel…

Anyway, in terms of the script, I’m still going through a phase of slower progress. However, even though it’s taking a bit to get there, I’m certainly satisfied with how things are shaping up! Originally, I was planning to finish the entire third chapter first, but I think I’ll now focus on finishing the first half of it along with the Social Phase prior to it, so that Natsu can do some coding while I then take care of the second half of the chapter. Seems a bit more productive that way, haha.

That about sums things up and since I still have a ton of stuff to do, I guess we’ll come to a close here! As always, please enjoy the rest of your weekend and, until next Saturday, take care! Oh, and Hoppy Easter, of course! :3