

Feb 26

Weekly Update #393: Quick Progress Update

With Keiichi‘s and Shinketsu‘s routes fully coded and Rei‘s currently being made playable by Natsu as well, there is only Himatsu‘s left now before we can finally finish up the second chapter!

To give you an idea as to the length of it: excluding Himatsu‘s route, chapter 2 currently sits at around 35,000 words.
Adding to that the ~50,000 of the prologue and first chapter, we’re getting very close to the 100,000 mark now!
And the entirety of SHINRAI is around 150,000 words, sooo… this definitely is turning out to be a much bigger project!

Anyway, I hope to have Himatsu‘s route wrapped up by next weekend. Since Natsu will obviously need some time to code it and I’d like to play through the whole thing myself before we share it, I guess patrons will be able to beta-test chapter 2 around mid-March.

By then, I will work on the first “social phase” of the game, which is a rather short affair, and then move on to chapter 3.

At least that’s the plan, but first things first! I need to write two optional character scenarios for Himatsu‘s route and then there really is only the usual revision/proofreading routine left!

That kinda wraps up all I can say for now, but before we already come to a close, I’d like to show you something pretty rad:

Huge shoutout to Lilenee0 for drawing this amazing Amber! I think she did a phenomenal job! You have no idea how happy this made me, haha. If you’d like to see even more beautiful art by her, be sure to check out her pinned tweet with all her social media info and art accounts! It’s definitely worth it!

Now, as always, it’s time for me to get back to work, so please enjoy the rest of your weekend and, until next Saturday, take care :3