

Jul 24

Weekly Update #362: Asset Progress

As you can tell by the title, asset work has continued and I’m finally done with everything art-related that was still missing for the first chapter! So all that’s left now is revising the script for the last scene and finishing it up already. There is one more week to go before the end of the month, so I’d really like to be done by then and, starting from August, fully focus on chapter 2.

Of course, August will also be the month of SHINRAI‘s 5th anniversary, so some stuff needs to be prepared in that regard as well.
At the very least, I’d finally like to make that certain announcement publicly, which I’ve been holding off on since last year now, haha.
If you’re a patron, you might know what I’m talking about!

Anyway, I’ll go into the exact August plans next time, but the goal for the last week of July is clear: just get that 1st chapter done!

Well, at least my part on it. I can’t be sure how long Natsu will need to code things, as she has been busy with a number of other matters as well, and we will naturally need some time for beta-testing too, so there might still be a bit of a delay until its fully playable. That said, it really won’t take that much longer now. So if you’re a patron, keep your eyes peeled!

The entire first chapter will be released for the 10$-tier first, but later down the road, I’ll make it available to all patrons, as compensation for the lack of content over there these past few months.

Not much else I can say in that regard for now, but there is something else I can share with you!

I’ve recently commissioned Silver Hatsuyuki again (aka Strange Notes), who already drew some pretty adorable chibis of Raiko and Rei before. This time around, I requested Amber and I couldn’t be happier with the result!

If you’re interested, she’s currently still open for commissions!
She’s also looking for collaborators on a Spooktober project if you’re interested in that sort of thing!

Now, since there can never be enough Amber, some cool dude by the name of Faulerro also decided to draw her!

As you might imagine, this definitely raised my spirits quite a bit, haha. Both artworks have been added to our gallery, so be sure to check that out as well, if you want to see some more art by a whole slew of other, very talented artists!

Also, let me use this opportunity to promote our Discord sever again. It’s gotten a tiny bit livelier recently, so if you want to talk about our projects, your own projects or, better yet, butts, you’re welcome to join!

Now, as always, please enjoy the rest of your weekend and, until next Saturday, take care! :3