

Mar 27

Weekly Update #345: Art Asset Progress

So, this week, I’ve decided to take a little break from writing and instead focused purely on asset work, mostly taking care of a few easier tasks. Among those was, for instance, the creation of some new, relatively simplistic backgrounds, in order to offer a little more visual variety. You know, just so you won’t have to see the same background all throughout lengthy discussion scenes.

When I say “simplistic”, though, I really mean it. These didn’t take me long to make, as you can probably tell from this example:

It’s basically just the forest-painted wall and a door. We actually had a number of these “door BGs” in SHINRAI as well, featuring guest room doors, the breaker room door and even the door to the reception. BGs like these won’t be used much, but I still think they help to break the visual monotony and can also help you understand where the characters are positioned, without me having to spell it out. In the example above, they’re in the main hall, right in front of the door to the Western exhibition room.

Using the main BG for the main hall (the one that depicts the T-Rex in its center) would make it seem as though the three of them are standing in front of the lobby doors, and in some cases, it’s actually important to know that they are not.

Besides, since these BGs are very easy to make, especially since I already did one for Ryuu‘s room door, I thought… why not?

Now, that aside, I did tackle some more complicated art assets as well. First of all, if you’re a patron, you can finally check out a preview of the base sprite for our victim. Of course, I’ll post him publicly once the sprite is fully done.

I’m currently also working on another character artwork. It was originally not supposed to be a sprite, just a pic from the bust up, similar to the profile images in the DPA. However, this is turning into a full sprite-sized one after all, just because I felt like it, haha. Not going to give you any details on this one, though I will be posting a preview of it on Patreon early April.

That’s about all I can really talk about at the moment, so I guess we’ll call it quits here today. As always, please enjoy the rest of your weekend and, until next Saturday, take care! :3