

Mar 14

Happy White Day 2019!

Last year, Taiko was here, dressed up rather fancily, to wish you a happy White Day! This time, it’s his dad’s turn! And just like his son, Shinketsu has also dressed up very elegantly! At least, according to his definition of the word “elegant”…

Patrons can download a hi-res version, as well as just Shinketsu without any background, over here. Also, don’t forget: if you’re a patron, you can take part in our next poll and have a say in which character will be featured in next month’s illustration!

As always, this piece has also been added to our gallery, so for even more SHINRAI– and GENBA-related artwork by us and other very talented artists, be sure to check it out!

And with all that said and done, once again: Happy White Day, everyone!