Welcome to the official GosatsuVNs website!
Here, you will find everything related to our murder mystery series SHINRAI, as well as its spin-off title GENBA no Kizuna.
As both GENBA and SHINRAI‘s sequel are currently in development, more information on them will be added in the future.
This website is generally still under construction, with more content becoming available over the course of the next few months.
From now on, you will also find our weekly blog posts here, which may contain progress updates and sneak peeks at our current projects, but also behind-the-scenes information about SHINRAI and various aspects of its development process.
In past blog posts, we have also talked about many different topics regarding visual novel development in general, all of which will eventually be added to this site as well.
For now, if you are curious, you can browse through our developer’s blog on tumblr to have a look at older blog posts.
With that said, please take a look around!
And if you have any questions or even feedback for us, feel free to comment down below or contact us via mail!