So, I’m officially off from my day job for the remainder of 2022, which naturally means switching back to full-time VNdev mode! My main goals are going to be the Christmas artwork (or at least that one was, but my part on it is actually done now, meaning that all that’s left to do is …
Tag Archive: Writing
Dec 10
Weekly Update #435: Even More Script Progress
So, this past week, I’ve finally started work on the last set of investigation routes for GENBA no Kizuna‘s penultimate chapter! I’m currently working on the laundry room investigation as well as Himatsu‘s final interrogation simultaneously and have made some pretty good progress on them, adding up to about another ~7000 words of script. The …
Dec 03
Weekly Update #434: Plans For December
The final month of the year is here, which also tends to be the busiest one usually, and there certainly is a lot I’d still like to get done before we transition into 2023. Good thing I’m gonna be on vacation from my day job soon! My main focus during that time will remain the …
Nov 26
Weekly Update #433: More Script Progress
Script work has continued on GENBA no Kizuna‘s fourth chapter and, while it takes me once again longer than anticipated to finish the current part, I’m at least satisfied with how it’s shaping up and had quite a bit of fun writing these last couple of days. I really wish I could share some previous, …
Nov 19
Weekly Update 432: GENBA Progress & SHINRAI Aftermath
Last Saturday, I talked about GENBA no Kizuna‘s current script length and, ever since then, have added even more to it as I continued writing chapter four. I’m still finishing up Himatsu‘s interrogation route which is a bit more difficult compared to her previous ones. This time around, you interrogate each suspect individually, posing some …
Nov 12
Weekly Update #431: Script & BG Progress
Once again, most of my week has been dedicated to the script for GENBA no Kizuna‘s fourth chapter and, at this point, I can definitely say that it’s going to be the longest one. As of right now, it’s sitting at ~53,000 words which is almost the same length as the second chapter (~58,000 words) …
Oct 29
Weekly Update #429: Console Anniversary
That’s right! Today, exactly one year ago, the console version of SHINRAI – Broken Beyond Despair was finally released! As always, it’s pretty hard to wrap my mind around the fact that it’s already been that long. [Insert usual rant about how time flies.] It’s still a pretty awesome achievement to me, however, and something …
Oct 22
Weekly Update #428: More Writing Progress & Halloween Preparations
Once again, most of my week has been dedicated to writing, this time focusing on Shinketsu‘s second chapter four route. Since the body has been thoroughly examined by now and there isn’t really anything more he can do in regards to it (at least not at the scene), he decides to contribute to the investigation …
Oct 15
Weekly Update #427: Writing Progress
This week, I’ve made some pretty good progress on the script for GENBA no Kizuna‘s forth chapter! Both Keiichi‘s and Rei‘s next investigation routes are fully written now! Although they are still in need of some more polish, you can at least read through both of them from beginning to end now. Together, they add …
Oct 08
Weekly Update #426: 3rd Social Phase Progress
As the title suggests, I’m currently working on the script for the third social phase of GENBA no Kizuna, which takes place in its penultimate chapter and, quite honestly, poses the most difficult part to write in the entire game thus far. Outside of the usual difficulties, such as finding the right flow and structure …